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Laser skin treatments are nothing new and have been around for ages. That is, unless, you are a person of color, and have not been able to undergo many of the laser treatments offered by skincare experts, dermatologists, and aestheticians, due to antiquated technology.

Until Now


At Precision Skin Institute, a cosmetic, medical, and surgical dermatology center near Fort Lauderdale, we pride ourselves on being able to offer a wide-range of the best laser skincare treatments, suitable to meet everyone’s needs. With our latest laser technology, the gold-standard in skin rejuvenation and refining skin tone and texture, we’re able to treat your skin no matter its color – skinquality, we’re calling it.

The PicoWay Laser, from Syneron Candela, a global, non-surgical aesthetic device company, is the winning ticket. This laser is “a remarkably innovative 3 wavelength picosecond laser with both non-fractional & fractional capabilities from Syneron Candela, the most trusted name in aesthetic lasers. PicoWay’s unique mode of action is based on delivering ultra-short picosecond pulses of energy to the tissue. These bursts of energy create a photoacoustic impact which breaks up the pigmentation into smaller, more easily eliminated particles.”

In an article entitled, “Why Did It Take So Long to Make Lasers for Black Skin?” which was originally featured on The Cut, writer Ashley Weatherford recounted her inability to take advantage of common laser skin treatments that her Caucasian friends were raving about and interviewed Dr. Fran Cook-Bolden, the founder of Skin Specialty Dermatology, a research and treatment facility in New York known for its targeted treatments for people of color, and who is also African American. He attributed the lag in lasers that are useful for dark skin to a disinterested market that chose to ignore the needs of patients with dark skin. “When lasers were first being developed, they were only used on people with lighter skin types. The reality is, lasers weren’t initially tested on darker skin because companies were aware of the risks and they didn’t want to be bothered. There was enough need with lighter skin types already, so companies thought, ‘Why take on that additional liability’?”

The PicoWay made this outdated standard in the laser industry a thing of the past. With its unique ability to safely and effectively treat all skin types and colors, here are the treatments we are loving and recommend highly for people of color:

Laser Skin Rejuvenation

This fractional laser treatment helps to quickly improve the appearance and texture of the skin. It addresses skin coloration issues and helps decrease signs of aging. The fast laser bursts are designed to address aging and pigmentation issues by breaking down unwanted pigment into its smallest particles, almost sending aging into reverse.

Melasma | Sun Spots

The best treatment for melasma and sun spots is one that is non-invasive, safe, and effective, such as that of the PicoWay. Melasma is a hereditary, cosmetic skin condition that is influenced by hormonal changes in the body (taking birth control, pregnancy, and menopause) as well as by sun exposure, and also causes those unsightly skin patches.


Acne, and the scars it leaves behind, can linger for way longer than your formidable teenage years. Recently on our top list of acne treatments, the PicoWay is perfect for those looking to remove lesions, blemishes, or scars. This laser is safe for most skin types, yields faster results than more traditional lasers due to its three different wavelengths and short pulse duration – also the reason why this laser comes with little to no discomfort!

Tattoo Removal

Utterly painful and ineffective? No. Safe for all skin types, tattoo types, and colors? YES! There’s no reason to hang on to that old tattoo you’ve been trying to hide anymore – the PicoWay has you covered.

For more information on the best laser skin treatments for ethnic skin and African American skin tones, contact us today! At Precision Skin Institute, it is our honor to help you achieve a precise aesthetic balance!

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